Wednesday, May 28, 2014

after the vacay

Ok so I established that farmers do not take off in May when plants are getting their game on.  I did and went on a cruise with my everyone got a break from my introspection for a week.  The cool thing is that I can actually see peppers and other veggies looking like something I might actually want to buy.  I helped Josh string tomato Uh what do you call the plastic fencing stuff that tomatoes cling to as they grow? You know, you pound some t-stakes and string the whatever you call it to the stakes? Help me out here...remember I am a rookie at this.  I also picked some bugs that like squash and pumpkins but I forgot what the bug is called also.  And then I had to kill each one with my bare hands.  Usually I kill bugs with a magazine or my foot.  I did not know that farming was so ruthless.

Camp is really heating up as well as the weather, and we have groups out at Mountainside every day from now till the first day of camp.  I caught at the zip line for 7 straight hours yesterday and will be back at it tomorrow.   It was really a good call to have Josh do this full time.  With camp orientation for staff this Friday night I have to really get mentally in the groove and appreciate being able to rely on someone who not only knows what he is doing but goes to the extension office for advice and questions.  It is great to have a resource such as the Ag extension office to analyze invading insects and plant health.  Farming may be a solitary occupation but farmers are definitely not alone.  I will post a few photos of the progress so far and it is pretty exciting.

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