OK I have to admit it but I am something of a tomato freak. Chocolate too! But there is nothing like a plump juicy August tomato. I eat tomato sandwiches, tomato salad, heck I virtually subsist on tomatoes in the late summer. Ha! I get to start of my tomato gluttony in about two weeks because of the High Tunnel. In Freaking mid June!!! Those plants are taller than I am and we clip the ever growing plants to a string that stretches 9 feet above the plant. The tomato plants will climb(with help and a lot of pruning) all the way to the top of the string and back down. Dude I am getting weirder by the minute. I was having so much fun helping Josh prune the plants and clipping them higher and higher on their string. When you touch the leaves or stem of the plants the scent clings to your fingers. I love that smell. Am I going off the deep end?
I had so much fun following Josh on his evening tour of the gardens. Every day he goes around and inspects every row and virtually every plant. He checks for deer damage, insect damage and the progress of the healthy plants. Figures out what to weed and the just what needs the most attention each day. Unfortunately there are thousands of plants and it is almost impossible to get to everything that need his attention. It is hard for him to get to everything and some plants just get away from him.

Indigo tomatoes that are purple on top and red when ripe
With camp opening in less than two weeks we are trying to get the word out to parents on what is available to purchase and how to go about getting their produce. We had hoped to form a CSA but we are still trying to gauge just how much produce we are going to have and if we are going to have an over supply or not. The important task is to let as little a possible go to waste. The stuff Josh grows is so beautiful and tasty. Anyone can come out an pick and purchase, campers at Mountainside will have to opportunity to order on line and have the veggies go home with their campers. If we have ample supply we will serve families at the Ranch as well.
All Heck is about to break loose (actually more like bust out of the ground)
broccoli head emerging from the plant
Ok my captions ended up in the wrong place when it published